Clinical Counselling

Our therapists are experienced in helping individuals cope with psychological distress and can assist them in maintaining or returning to work. We do more than just listen; we promote coping and ability, not dysfunction and disability. This approach is associated with a high level of client satisfaction.More About Clinical Counselling

Psychological Assessments and Treatment

Psychological factors associated with disabilities are challenging for employers, workers, insurance companies, and the general public to address, especially in return-to-work. Diversified Rehabilitation Group specializes in helping both individuals and organizations overcome psychological challenges and ensure a successful reintegration to the workplace.

More About Psychological Assessments and Treatment

Vocational Rehabilitation

Diversified Rehabilitation is recognized for delivering goal-oriented, client-centred, and cost effective vocational rehabilitation services. Our vocational rehabilitation consultants assist individuals that have been ill or injured and are not able to return to their pre-disability occupation due to physical and/or cognitive limitations and require support to transition to a different career or job field.

More About Vocational Rehabilitation

Medical Legal Assessments

Diversified understands the special care required in legal cases or situations where there is the potential for litigation. Our team can provide a variety of assessments to insurance carriers and law firms, as well as serve as expert witnesses in legal cases.

More About Medical-Legal Assessments

Disability Management

We believe that effective reintegration of injured or disabled individuals to productive employment minimizes the loss of employee expertise, resources, and productive potential to the employer, and is the best strategy for maintaining an individual’s potential and self-worth. We assist employers and their respective unions or employee associations to develop, implement, and manage site-specific Disability Management Programs (Occupational Health and Safety / Case Management).

More About Disability Management

Employee and Family Wellness Program (EFWP)

Diversified views the Employee and Family Wellness Program (EFWP) as the most instrumental prevention and intervention tool in maintaining an individuals’ health and wellness. Effective EFWP must focus both on prevention and each individual’s needs, while restoring an individual’s balance and function — at their workplace and outside of the working environment. Therefore, understanding the workplace needs and culture, as well as those of the individual, is crucial to promoting holistic well-being for all parties.

More About Employee and Family Wellness Programs